Smalley Steel Ring Company announces the launch of a new mobile web site. The mobile site, found at offers Smalley customers the increased ease of accessing some of the most useful tools on the Smalley website via smartphone.
The Smalley mobile site features allow for fast and easy part selection. By using the “Quick Search” function, one can view and select parts based on type and diameter, and then further research the part by viewing product specifications. Once a part is chosen, free samples or a quote can be requested with just one more step. The mobile site is perfect for design engineers on the factory floor engaged in the production process. Without even leaving the premises, the engineer can research the perfect Smalley part solution for their design challenges.
Featuring a link on each page to “Contact Smalley”, Smalley’s engineering staff can instantly be contacted for further consultation. Literature can also be requested from Smalley by clicking the “Get Catalog” link on each page of the mobile site. The mobile site also offers access to the full Smalley web site should more in depth research be needed.
Smalley’s mobile site can be utilized by any smart phone. Visit
Smalley Steel Ring Company
::Design World::
Filed Under: Springs • wave springs • retaining rings • spring clips, MECHANICAL POWER TRANSMISSION
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