Lee Spring has expanded their HEFTY™ Die Spring product range to include longer free lengths up to 12”. These round wire springs are ideal for applications beyond those of traditional die springs and are well suited for any high stress, heavy load applications such as aircraft mechanisms, farm machinery, industrial equipment, brakes and clutches.
HEFTY Springs are identified in five color-coded series, based on Load rating and designed to fit standard diameters. They are powder coated and manufactured in chrome silicon or music wire.
The entire HEFTY range, including the new longer free lengths, are available on leespring.com; they will be added to the 2014 Lee Spring print catalog, distributed in January 2014.
Lee Spring is an ISO 9001 Certified manufacturer of stock and custom mechanical springs and allied parts, servicing diverse manufacturing markets in the United States and throughout the world. In addition to country-specific catalogs, Lee Spring has a comprehensive, educational and ecommerce friendly website. Lee Spring is headquartered in Brooklyn, NY USA and has multiple locations in the United States, as well as locations in Mexico, Europe, China and India.
Lee Spring
Filed Under: Aerospace + defense, Springs • wave springs • retaining rings • spring clips, Off highway • construction • agriculture, MOTION CONTROL
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