Klϋber Lubrication introduces Klüberfood NH1 M 4-150-NE, a fully synthetic, high-performance oil for high-speed can closing machines.
High-speed can closing/seaming machines require its circulating oil to be stable for extended periods of time. Depending on the machine type, the oil must have the ability to quickly hold or separate water. Klüberfood NH1 M 4-150-NE is specifically formulated from a new chemistry, resulting in improved solvency, helping to keep machines clean. Additives help prevent residue/deposit formation and allow the oil to have more resistance against oxidation. Finally, an emulsifier enables the oil to efficiently hold water.
Klüberfood NH1 M 4 N shares the same technology as the NE version, but has no emulsifier in its composition. Different from the emulsified version, the N is able to separate from water quicker and is suitable to use in systems where water separation is frequent (e.g.:Ferrum machines), without using a water filtration system.
Filed Under: Seals • gaskets • O rings, Lubricants • oils • industrial grease
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